Hero interactive's most recent release, a tower defense game with a twist, Pirate Defense, will be coming to Newgrounds very soon! We have kept it on as few sites as possible to make sure we had any bugs or additional content under control, but soon we'll be spreading it around more.
In Pirate Defense you are a pirate who has discovered a rather nice booty. However, being the greedy sillies that they are, other pirates are also after your prize. So you've set up camp on a steep hill where you can keep an eye on them. Instead of shooting from your towers you'll set up attack towers, also known as traps, to damage, move, capture, or kill those pesky pirates.
Towers are divided into two categories: triggers and traps. A trigger does no actual damage to your enemies, but sets off a trap. Here's a good example:
A pirate enemy is walking up the hill. He comes across a busty wench doll (that's tied to a rope) - she is the trigger. When our lusty pirate friend gets too close, the trigger is set. Up the hill, a log trap is linked to our trigger, and so it goes off and the logs are released. Linked to the log trap, but directly down hill from it is a bee trap (a swarm of bees are released). Linked also to the log trap is a pit with a tiger in it, which is opened up. So the logs roll down the hill, knock our pirate through the swarm of bees into the tiger pit.
Traps can be simple, or far more complicated than this. The bigger the traps, the bigger the bonus!
Pirate Defense has been accepted very well on ArmorGames.com and Kongregate.com. Be looking for this game in the coming weeks!
No attacks...just traps and triggers...sounds interesting.
Can't wait to see it here on Newgrounds :D