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    We're a small online game studio located in the great hand state of Michigan! If you have any feedback on games, are interested in hosting or licensing, or just want to chat- you can contact us through the info provided on our website: herointeractive.com


    Web Game Developer

    Michigan, USA

    Joined on 7/13/06

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    HeroInteractive's News

    Posted by HeroInteractive - May 25th, 2011

    http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hero-Int eractive/58398819916

    Many of you may or may not know about this, but we've been on Facebook for awhile now. It is only recently however that we've really begun to start pushing content to the page and really keep it updated. From here on out, that's the plan!

    As we are growing we are finding that Facebook can be a much better way to keep in touch with people. And we are finding the newsletter to be less so. In the future we may simply be doing all of our notifications via Facebook and dropping our newsletter altogether- because frankly it's hard to update and it has been little less than "monthly." :) We also plan on taking better advantage of Twitter which we've been less than religious on updating.

    If you haven't yet, go check out our page and give us your "like"! This will keep you updated with our latest and freshest news!

    Like Us on Facebook!

    Posted by HeroInteractive - November 5th, 2009

    Hero Interactive's newest Bubble Tanks game, Bubble Tanks Tower Defense, is nearing completion and is expected to be released within the next two weeks exclusively to ArmorGames (for a short time). There should also be cheats available! We're getting very excited for the release of this game. Keep your eyes peeled!

    Check out the preview video here!

    Bubble Tanks Tower Defense Release Date (Kind Of)

    Posted by HeroInteractive - August 26th, 2009

    As many of you know, Hero interactive has been working for some time now on our latest addition to the Bubble Tanks family: Bubble Tanks Arenas (Not to mention the addition of production on an all new game, Bubble Tanks Tower Defense!) which gives players the ability to create their own custom tanks.

    Well now you can actually see the tank editor in action! Check out the awesome graphics! The smooth-flowing interface! You can really get a good feel for how the editor works and just what kinds of incredible tanks you'll be able to design.


    BTA (and BTTD) does not have a release date yet, so keep checking back at our blog for new information and updates!

    New Bubble Tanks Tank Editor!  Check it out!!!

    Posted by HeroInteractive - July 1st, 2009

    Get ready for Hero Interactive's (the makers of StormWinds: The Lost Campaigns and Bubble Tanks 2) latest game: Vector Boom!

    With beautiful art, Vector Boom is set in space where your space station has (for some reason) come under attack. Hoards of enemy ships bombard your station and it's your job to save the day by clicking-and-dragging to create circles inside which anything will be obliterated.

    Look for the cool ships, the awesome upgrades, and, of course, the incredible EXPLOSIONS in this fun new game! Also, we now have medals that can be earned. Can YOU get them all?

    Click here to play! --> http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

    Vector Boom Now on Newgrounds!

    Posted by HeroInteractive - May 13th, 2009

    Hero interactive's most recent release, a tower defense game with a twist, Pirate Defense, will be coming to Newgrounds very soon! We have kept it on as few sites as possible to make sure we had any bugs or additional content under control, but soon we'll be spreading it around more.

    In Pirate Defense you are a pirate who has discovered a rather nice booty. However, being the greedy sillies that they are, other pirates are also after your prize. So you've set up camp on a steep hill where you can keep an eye on them. Instead of shooting from your towers you'll set up attack towers, also known as traps, to damage, move, capture, or kill those pesky pirates.

    Towers are divided into two categories: triggers and traps. A trigger does no actual damage to your enemies, but sets off a trap. Here's a good example:

    A pirate enemy is walking up the hill. He comes across a busty wench doll (that's tied to a rope) - she is the trigger. When our lusty pirate friend gets too close, the trigger is set. Up the hill, a log trap is linked to our trigger, and so it goes off and the logs are released. Linked to the log trap, but directly down hill from it is a bee trap (a swarm of bees are released). Linked also to the log trap is a pit with a tiger in it, which is opened up. So the logs roll down the hill, knock our pirate through the swarm of bees into the tiger pit.

    Traps can be simple, or far more complicated than this. The bigger the traps, the bigger the bonus!

    Pirate Defense has been accepted very well on ArmorGames.com and Kongregate.com. Be looking for this game in the coming weeks!

    Hero Interactive: Pirate Defense Coming Soon!

    Posted by HeroInteractive - April 27th, 2009

    We at Hero Interactive are stepping up production on Bubble Tanks Arenas (as well as some other new games)! We're moving out of early development and are going to be a lot more active with this game in the coming month...so expect to see more information.

    There has been a LOT of excitement surrounding this game. Lots of questions that we'll try to answer. For today, Jared and Eric wanted you to get to see the key features of the game. Keep in mind that game play will be the same as Bubble Tanks and Bubble Tanks 2.

    * Players can design their own custom tanks. This includes placing bubbles as well as attaching weapons purchased using a bubble credit system. Players can also come back and upgrade their tanks throughout the game.

    * Players can share their creations online with friends. But in order to play as a tank, you must have accumulated enough bubble credits.

    * The game will consist of a number of arenas. Arenas are strings of bubblefields filled with enemies that the player must complete in order to continue. Completing an arena adds to your total score and earns you tank credits. Dying in an arena will return you to the arena selection screen (This is unlike BT and BT2 where you couldn't ever die.).

    * Players can create their own Arenas and share them online as well.

    * Scores are submitted to an online score board.

    * There will be a larger game screen and larger Bubblefields to battle in.

    * The game will auto-save in between the arenas. (That should please a few of you!)

    * 30+ user weapons (most from BT2 but will add a few new ones time permitting)

    * 20+ Enemy weapons (most from BT2 but will add a few new ones time permitting)

    * In the Extra Content version players will be able to design their own enemies and use them in their custom created arenas that they can also share with friends. There WILL be some sort of cap employed here so that enemies don't cause too much lagging in the game.

    Here's a little something to keep in mind: the game will reward users who rate arenas and user generated content by awarding them a small amount of credits to be used towards the creation of their own tanks.

    We'll have more information and more updates as progress on the game is made. Until then, happy gaming!

    Bubble Tanks Arenas: Key Features

    Posted by HeroInteractive - April 20th, 2009

    Last month Jared and Eric from Hero Interactive were driving down the road and spotted a sign for free office space. Intrigued, they called the number and checked the place out. Well, only a week later they had signed a lease, ordered office furniture, moved in, and begun work out of our very first office!

    This is a truly exciting experience for us as it gives us more space to expand the company and potentially produce even more awesome games for you!

    The office is approximately 500 feet from Lake Michigan (yes we can look out the window and see the lake) and is very close to our favorite places to eat! Here is your first look at the brand new Hero Interactive office space (please keep in mind that since these photos were taken, we have spruced the place up a bit with posters and plants, and we're still working on moving everything in.)!!

    We'll update when the place is done. Enjoy!

    Hero Interactive's Office Space!

    Posted by HeroInteractive - April 9th, 2009

    March was a very exciting month for us at Hero Interactive. We were very busy working on our latest games and we traveled to Northern California for the first annual Flash Gaming Summit sponsored by Mochi Media. At the summit, they awarded the best in the biz with Mochi Awards and Hero Interactive was honored to receive the award for Best Shooter of 2008 for our game Bubble Tanks 2!

    We could not be more ecstatic or proud about this honor. We'd like to thank everyone who has ever played Bubble Tanks 2, the judges, and the sponsors of the summit. Hero Interactive continues to strive for excellence and we hope you'll continue to be pleased!

    Posted by HeroInteractive - January 19th, 2009

    Bubble Tanks 2 has been nominated for a Best of 2008 award in the Action or Arcade category on JayIsGames.com!

    Bubble Tanks 2 was Hero Interactive's most popular game of 2008 (and EVER, actually). We have received hundreds of messages and comments telling us how much you love the game. Here is your chance to let it be known! Click here to vote for Bubble Tanks 2! We're up against some very good games so we really appreciate your vote.

    Keep in mind that you can vote more than once (once per day!) if you'd like!

    Thank you for your help and support!

    Vote for Bubble Tanks 2 in JayIsGames Best of 2008!

    Posted by HeroInteractive - January 8th, 2009

    Puzzle Your Way to a PS3: You could win a PS3 just by playing games!

    ArmorGames.com is sponsoring Hero Interactive's latest contest and they want YOU to win a Play Station 3! What do you have to do? It's simple! Just go to ArmorGames.com and play Hero Interactive's latest game: StarShine 2: Puzzle Master. Create an awesome puzzle and submit it. That's it! The top 5 puzzles win!

    1st Place/Grand Prize - a Play Station 3
    2nd Place - An iPod Touch
    3rd, 4th, and 5th Place - An iPod Nano

    Be sure to submit your puzzle before Feb. 1st 2009, 11:59 pm U.S. Eastern Time Zone.

    Here's what you need to know:
    1) You MUST have an ArmorGames account to enter.
    2) When submitting your puzzle be sure to enter "contest [Your ArmorGames account name] in the Author field so we can contact you. Be sure to include "contest" followed by a space, and then your ArmorGames.com username. So, for example: if we submitted a puzzle, we'd use "contest HeroInteractive".
    3) You may play and rate puzzles through any portal you wish, not just on armorgames.
    4) Create as many puzzles as you like!
    5) You may share your puzzles with your friends and family so that they can rate them. Simply send them this link: http://www.herointeractive.com/starshi ne2/?puzzleID=[insert your puzzle ID# here]
    6) Down rating puzzles not created by you in an effort to skew the results will not be tolerated and will result in your entries (all of them!) being disqualified!

    How the winners will be selected:
    Hero Interactive, LLC will examine the 50 top rated puzzles and decide the winning five entries. Winners' usernames will be posted on the ArmorGames.com blog as well as the HeroInteractive.com blog. In addition, winners will receive emails at the addresses supplied when they registered with ArmorGames.com.
    Judges at HI are looking for creativity as well as fun and solvability. In other words, you won't win just because your puzzle has tons of objects in it or is mega-hard. Try to think and be original without being ridiculously hard. (P.S. Having 40 green stars all go off at once has been done MANY times.)

    Submit the most fun and original puzzle and you could own a PS3, iPod Touch, or iPod Nano! Click here to get started: http://armorgames.com/play/2554/starsh ine-2-puzzle-master